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Boost Your Home Improvement Website today. Running a home improvement business requires much investment such as experienced talents and quality equipment just to name a few. A premium website, though, is an element that is commonly overlooked.

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For instance, a lot of business owners in the industry seem to think that just having a website with a list of services offered and accurate contact information is enough. What they don’t realize, though, is that they require more than that. Home Improvement experts can also benefit from other online tools like an efficient lead distribution software or an email marketing platform.

Good Web Design

The first factor that you should consider when developing a home improvement website is good web design. At the very least, your site must be able to provide all the information that an online visitor might need to make a smart purchase decision, and choose your company as the contractor to work with.

Good Website Design

Your website must also make it easy and convenient for these prospective clients to contact you for further information or to finally book your services. Your site must function as a well-oiled lead distribution platform already on its own.

SEO Optimization

Here’s the deal, though. All your web design efforts will amount to nothing if your prospective clients can’t even find it. This is the reason why search engine optimization is another essential factor to consider.

Businesses that are already online but are unsure how to boost a website to get more visits should look into applying various SEO techniques. There are a lot of free resources available sharing tips for boosting a website.

Or you can simply seek professional SEO services.

Lead Capture Optimization

As mentioned, a well-designed website can already serve as an efficient lead capturing platform. However, there are further steps that you can take to optimize your site to better generate leads. The strategic placement of call-to-actions and opt-in forms, for instance, go a long way. You can also provide digital products for free that you think is a worthy exchange for an online visitor’s email address. We recommend a short yet informative home improvement eBook or printable project checklists.

Good Photos

Good photos are the bread and butter of a home improvement website. While you can always get quality photos from a stock photo website, we still find it ideal to invest to have your actual projects photographed professionally. It will give you more credibility that can then improve your online reputation.

An Informative, Helpful, and Unique Blog

Here’s the deal: you don’t want your online visitors to only spend a couple of minutes on your website. You want to keep them there long enough to consider you for their home projects or ideally, finally decide to contact you and form a contract.

You can’t do that with just a services and contact page. Instead, you need an informative blog that can capture their interest and provide value. The quality of your content can also reflect your expertise in the field so we definitely recommend taking the time to get quality articles posted.

Utilize Shared Media Products to Increase Your Reach and ROI

In a nutshell, shared media is simply any content that is posted about your business on social media platforms. These can either be posted by you or your (current or past) clients.

Those posted by your clients are referred to as user-generated content. While they can work as a  great “word-of-mouth” advertisement in digital form, you can’t really rely on them that much to consistently bring in quality leads. Instead, you should generate this type of content on your own, preferably on social media platforms where your target demographic is. Don’t forget to include a link to your website along with a powerful headline or call-to-action and your contact information.

Pay Attention to Local Listings

Online local listings can bring in a lot of paying clients as well, especially if you have a lot of positive reviews. You should definitely get listed on Google, but getting your business on Yelp, Houzz, and Home Stars won’t hurt as well.

Here’s a quick tip to improve your ratings: always encourage your happy clients to leave a review. You can even give them a better deal on their next project to further motivate them to do so.


Finally, don’t forget to invest in online ads, especially pay-per-clicks (or PPCs). It is another efficient method and a digital marketing hack if you’re looking for ways on how to boost the home improvement website you own.

Again, just like your local listings, Google is the way to go. You can then dedicate a landing page to your ad and establish a sales funnel to make your efforts more effective in generating and converting leads.

By keeping all these tips that we have shared with you in mind, we are confident that you will be able to increase your online reputation, improve your client reach, and ultimately boost your revenue.

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